Natural Vibrant Health
Welcome to Natural Vibrant Health. Owned and operated by Kendell Reichhart since 2008.
I am excited to announce our new coach Lauren Reichhart!
Together we are hoping to improve the health and lives of more people.
Find your optimal health path
Integrative Health Coaching is a unique approach to health and nutrition. Having studied all the dietary theories, I agree with the conclusion that traditional diets do not work. At best, they work in the short term and what works for one person often does not work for another. We are all different and unique and have our own bio-individuality.
The goal of health coaching is to help you make lasting changes to your diet and life style, which is unique to you, to achieve optimal health. No matter what health challenges we are dealing with, making these changes will only benefit us. Often these changes lead to identifying the root cause of our our health challenges.
Health Coaching Benefits
- Improve your choices & eating habits.
- Develop and improve a sense of well-being.
- Find motivation again.
- Reduce pain.
- Feel comfortable in your body.
- Slow the aging process.
- Balance hormones.
- Balance blood sugar naturally.
- Control cravings and binges.
- Look and feel younger and healthier.
- Be motivated to prepare better snacks and meals.
- Naturally achieve your ideal weight.
- Increase athletic performance, endurance, stamina, strength.
- Experience an increase in energy and vitality.
- Experience overall happiness and well-being
About Kendell
Kendell's health journey started at a young age. She suffered from chronic digestive isuues and fatigue starting around the age of 13. She spent most of her spare time reseaching herbs and natural healing, since the medical industry was not able to offer any help. She was pre-med at the University of Maryland, but switched to Psychology her senior year in 1996, after deciding she did not want to pursue a conventional medical degree. She had also been accepted for a predoctoral fellowship position at NIH, and declined the offer.
After college, she decided to continue to riding and training horses while she decided what path to take. Her horse profession grew and she ran a large equine business training and coaching, from 1996-2008 until her underlying health issues took over. She decided to step away from the horse industry profession in pursuit of her health, which had been an ongoing battle for too long. In 2007 she enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition for her own interests and knowledge, not realizing it would lead to a career in the health industry. Due to her life long research and devotion to natural healing and alternative health, it only made sense this was her true path. This led Kendell further down a road to studying live bloodcell microscopy, bio-terraine testing. herbalism, hormone health, living food nutrition, digestive health and much more.
Beginning a new life
When Kendell enrolled at IIN in 2007, she was soon after diagnosed with a severe egg and gluten allergy. It was frustrating to think that 20 years of doctors, medical imaging, blood work and compromised health, were all related to food. While at IIN, Kendell heard David Wolfe speak on raw foods and superfoods and this led her down a whole new path. She traveled far to learn and experience a raw food lifestyle which changed her life and for the first time in 20 years Kendell knew what it like to feel amazing! This amazing feeling of wellness led her to begin teaching raw food cooking classes and her health coaching practice sprang forth from there. She worked at the Cometa Wellness Center before opening her own practice in 2009... Natural Vibrant Health.
Kendell passion for educating on the improtance of food and alternative health, led her to hosting large wellness events in the Baltimore area bringing in speakers from all over the world. David Wolfe came into town to speak 7 times. Due to having a brother who had been diagnosed with Stage 3 brain cancer in 2000, Kendell has spent years researching cancer, food and herbs. She began working with Hippocrates Health Institute in FL and brought Brian Clement Ph.D, L.N. to Baltimore to speak 7 times also. In 2017 Kendell and Dr George Yu co-hosed an international cancer conference bringing in 30 speakers from all over the world (doctors, naturopaths, cancer survivors, etc). The goal of all these different conventions was to educate the community on the available cancer treatments that are beyond what we conventionally know, and the power of herbs and food in its natural state. Due to her bother's 16 year survival, and passion for cancer research, her work to support cancer patients gradually increased.
Kendell's practice approach is that of education and helping people incorporate changes to their diet and lifestyle to improve their overall health and well-being. She meets the client where they are with their health needs, incorporating a diet and lifestyle that is suitable to where the are, and what they are willing and not willing to do. It is up the the client to make the right changes to improve their health and Kendell supports them along the way.
Her coaching strength is helping the client to determine the root cause of their health challenges though coversation, funtional testing and education.
Health & Wellness
Making choices that result in optimal health and wellness.
Making choices that benefit the environment also benefit our health, and vice versa.
Finding a community that supports similar positive health goals can have such a beneficial impact on our life.
Food & Nutrition
Eating what nature provided is the key to successful health.